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Factors affecting silicone rubber resilience (2)

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What affects the resilience of silicone rubber?
1. The vinyl content in the methyl vinyl silicone rubber is insufficient or the vinyl content of the raw rubber itself is unevenly distributed, causing the rubber to not reach the positive sulfur point during vulcanization. The vulcanization speed is too long and the vulcanization is insufficient, resulting in insufficient elasticity of the rubber. good. The problem of poor resilience and slow vulcanization speed can be solved by increasing the overall vinyl content in the rubber, adding an appropriate amount of hydrogenated silicone oil to the formula, reducing the amount of fillers and increasing the amount of rubber. Different models can also be used. Raw rubber with a vinyl content is used with a small amount of high vinyl raw rubber to control the permanent deformation of the rubber. An optimal balance point must be found in the formula to avoid the brittleness of the rubber to achieve improvement. The purpose of rubber elasticity.
2. The vinyl content in the rubber is not enough or the vinyl content of the raw rubber itself is unevenly distributed, so that the rubber does not reach the positive sulfur point during vulcanization, the vulcanization speed is too long, and the vulcanization is insufficient, resulting in poor elasticity of the rubber. The problem of poor resilience and slow vulcanization speed can be solved by increasing the overall vinyl content in the rubber, adding an appropriate amount of hydrogenated silicone oil to the formula, reducing the amount of filler and increasing the rubber content; different models can also be used. Ethylene raw rubber is used with a small amount of high ethylene 20 vinyl raw rubber to control the tearing and permanent deformation of the rubber. An optimal balance point must be found in the formula to avoid the brittleness of the rubber to improve the rubber. The purpose of material elasticity.
3. The acidic nature of the rubber itself is also an important factor leading to poor elasticity and slow vulcanization speed of the rubber. Since silica itself is acidic, and most of the added structural control agents are acidic, the rubber will be acidic. Acidic rubber will delay vulcanization, and the high-temperature resistance will also be reduced. The acid content of the rubber can be improved by adding appropriate weak alkaline substances. Generally, the pH value of the rubber in the neutral or weakly alkaline range is good for improving elasticity and vulcanization speed.

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